As a Violinplayer, Alex Stolze combines string-based-textures with a beat-and-noise production to write his songs and tracks. This gives him the attitude of a caveman in a high-tech environment. Before Alex started to work solo, the producer, violinist and singer was a centerpiece of the bands bodi bill, unmap and dictaphone. He toured most big cities in Europe as well as spending time in the art- and theatre-scenes of New York, Montreal and Zurich. He co-founded Krakatau Records, a label for experimental technosound from Berlin, Alex‘ birthplace and hometown until today. His studio though is located in the middle of nowhere, close to the Polish-German border, where he finds the right tension to create his unique music. His first Solo EP will be released on SEPTEMBER 9th 2016 on his own label Nonostar Records, distributed in UK/GER/F/NL/CH/A/BE followed by an album in early 2017.
12.09.2016 UK – London, SJQ, Record Release
16.09.2016 GER –Berlin, Film Festival@Haus Schwarzenberg
11.10.2016 GER – Dortmund, Domicil w/ Federico Albanese
13.10.2016 GER – Leipzig, UT Connewitz w/ Federico Albanese
14.10.2016 NL – Leiden, Peel Slowly Festival
15.10.2016 GER – Hannover, Lister Turm w/ Federico Albanese
16.10.2016 GER – Düsseldorf, Christuskirche w/ Federico Albanese
06.11.2016 GER – Berlin, Radialsystem
26.11.2016 GER – Dresden, Europäisches Kunstzentrum Hellerau
As a Violinplayer, Alex Stolze combines string-based-textures with a beat-and-noise production to write his songs and tracks. This gives him the attitude of a caveman in a high-tech environment. Before Alex started to work solo, the producer, violinist and singer was a centerpiece of the bands bodi bill, unmap and dictaphone. He toured most big cities in Europe as well as spending time in the art- and theatre-scenes of New York, Montreal and Zurich. He co-founded Krakatau Records, a label for experimental technosound from Berlin, Alex‘ birthplace and hometown until today. His studio though is located in the middle of nowhere, close to the Polish-German border, where he finds the right tension to create his unique music. His first Solo EP will be released on SEPTEMBER 9th 2016 on his own label Nonostar Records, distributed in UK/GER/F/NL/CH/A/BE followed by an album in early 2017.
12.09.2016 UK – London, SJQ, Record Release
16.09.2016 GER –Berlin, Film Festival@Haus Schwarzenberg
11.10.2016 GER – Dortmund, Domicil w/ Federico Albanese
13.10.2016 GER – Leipzig, UT Connewitz w/ Federico Albanese
14.10.2016 NL – Leiden, Peel Slowly Festival
15.10.2016 GER – Hannover, Lister Turm w/ Federico Albanese
16.10.2016 GER – Düsseldorf, Christuskirche w/ Federico Albanese
06.11.2016 GER – Berlin, Radialsystem
26.11.2016 GER – Dresden, Europäisches Kunstzentrum Hellerau